S5 Episode 10:

I recently had a friend tell me that he was fascinated by me. A little shocked I asked him “how so?” He went on to explain that he was fascinated by me because even though I have been through trauma it doesn’t seem to phase me. That in itself was a compliment to my strengthContinue reading “S5 Episode 10:”

S5 Episode 9:

For we walk by faith, not by sight – 2 CORINTHIANS 5:7 Do you ever find yourself in a situation that has you questioning your faith? You know a situation where you can feel the Holy Spirit bubbling in you, but you ignore the call and you stay silent because you do not want toContinue reading “S5 Episode 9:”

S5 Episode 8:

I got married young and my marriage wasn’t like it is in the story books. My Prince Charming, wasn’t charming. Well I take that back, he was only charming when it served him, this was usually only around our family and friends. Day in and day out I took care of our home, raised hisContinue reading “S5 Episode 8:”

S5 Episode 7:

How many of you mindlessly scroll through social media….. yeah me too! As you are scrolling through the back to school and vacation photos you come across a quote that resonates with you. It’s words leap to life as you read them and you pause to let out an audible gasp. And if you areContinue reading “S5 Episode 7:”

S5 Episode 6:

When we wake we have one choice to make, do we spend the day living or merely existing? Some of us will spend our entire lives seeking the approval of others. If we are not seeking approvals we are constantly comparing ourselves to everyone else on this planet. We do it without a thought, it’sContinue reading “S5 Episode 6:”

S5 Episode 5:

“[God] comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” ‬‬‬‬2 Corinthians‬ 1:4‬ (NIV)‬‬‬‬‬‬ 2009 – mid 2013 was the hardest season I have ever had to walk through. It was a season that no one should ever have to experience.Continue reading “S5 Episode 5:”

Healthy Looks Good On You

Oh the difference 7 months can make. In January 2022 I was at my heaviest, chalk it up to IVF, stress, and everything in between. February I met some ice and ended up needing knee surgery. I knew something had to change, but recovery was slow going, yet I kept at it. I became reacquaintedContinue reading “Healthy Looks Good On You”

S5 Episode 4:

The pages of history They tell me it’s true That it’s never the perfect It’s always the ones with the scars that You use It’s the rebels and the prodigals It’s the humble and the weak All the misfit heroes You chose Tell me there’s hope for sinners like me -Matthew West So many ofContinue reading “S5 Episode 4:”

S5 Episode 3:

Twenty years ago my dad and I had the hard end of life conversation as I signed the forms making me his power of attorney. In the years that followed we’d checkin to make sure we were still on the same page. If the time ever came Pete didn’t want to be on life support,Continue reading “S5 Episode 3:”

S5 Episode 2:

I am nestled into a bed that isn’t mine tonight. If you would have told me two years ago, I’d be taking weekends to write and record podcast episodes that motivate and encourage those around me, I would have called your bluff. Yet here I am, sitting in a hotel room with my laptop openContinue reading “S5 Episode 2:”